Sunday, November 25, 2007

My mother

When you feel lonely that you always miss someone that you love maybe as a your parent, your boyfriend or girlfriend, for me I miss my mother
My mother is a women who I love more than anyone in the world. She is a kind and have reasonable. For example, when I do something bad that my mother will forgive me and advice a good thing that I should do. She never hit me or anything that I don’t like. And If I want something that she always give it to me- she always up to me. The relationship between mother and me that it’s deeply felt because I am the only son of my family. I don’t have brother or sister so that my mother as a anyone who I need when I feel lonely.
Finally, I think every mother love her child more than anything so that we should be a good person for her.

PS. Something about my mother that I can not explain because It is in my heart.

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