Sunday, November 18, 2007

Anxiety for me

The anxiety that have an influence with me very much. When I feel anxiety that It’s make me serious about something bad is going to happen, the state of feeling nervous, fear, shy or anything else. All of this things that is a thing so I imagine or think before. However, when I do something or wanting something to happen that the anxiety will appear in my heart. For example, when I have to present in front class that I will find a problem, may be I will forget my detail then I will stop present immediately. Sometime I will worry about my grammar, my accent, my word or the eye contract from my friend make me nervous. Another anxiety that about examination such as, Tomorrow is exam day that I always fear to fail of my exam. If I have no time for review a book that I feel bad. Those is the reasons why I always feel anxiety. Last Monday, I have oral test which is the first time for me. It’s made me worry very much because I have a problem about my ear: about three year ago that I have been hit at my right ear from someone who I thought he hated me but I didn’t know him before, I didn’t fight back. After that I felt have a problem about listening from everyone. Especially, in English language learning if a teacher is speaking fast I will not understand. Sometime I always asked from my friend. During oral test that I felt worry to fail of this test, I tried to listen carefully, some questions that I didn’t understand. Finally, I received C point. It made me felt relieve.

There are many way to solve problems such as, when you have to presentation that you should prepare your detail before or always practice, especially when you’re in front class that you must have concentrate everytime, don’t worry about anything that you feel anxiety is going to happen. Finally, you will present well and get a good point. For the exam, you should read a book a lot or always practice to do your old exam, when you do the exam that u should read a question careful and answer on the way so teacher ask. For oral test that you should practice a lot, try to answer which a teacher ask. Finally, you will win this problems

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