Sunday, January 13, 2008

The week of happiness

:: In my room ::

During we (my Gang) waiting to learn in World Civil subject at 15.30 o’clock that we didn’t had place to go to anywhere. So that we decided to go to my room at ABAC CONDO TOWN. My room is 10th floor. It’s near ABAC. In my Gang, there were 11 persons. When we came in. On the same time, it made my room small at suddenly. Oh! My GOD!!! We enjoyed with many desserts and fruits. Some of us had to make up on their face maybe took photos together, see a movie, sleep. However, I felt very bored because of waiting to learn for long time. Finally, it’s a time to learn. We felt pleased.

:: Nick's Birthday ::

On Wednesday, it was a Birthday of my friend, Nick. After I and my friends finished a class that we went to the Bar which name is New Light Bar. it’s near ABAC. There were 11 persons. We chose this Bar because it’s easy to come back home when someone of us that had to be drunk.

Cake& Nic( Her Birthday)

At first, we had seated and ordered the beer for one Tab, my friend name, Nick asked me that I will drink of beer? At the same time, I promised my mother not to drink alcohol but the fact that I want to drink with my friends. Whatever, the promise is promise so that I am not to drink. I ordered some foods to eat instead of beer and many foods for food eaten with alcoholic drinks to my friends. During we enjoyed together that I took many photos of my friends maybe I solicited someone in the bar for took a photos our group.

On the same time, my friends, name Nane and Ploy was not appeared at that time. I thought them to go to the toilet. It’s a long time about fifteen minutes. The fact, they went to their lodgings to bring a cake for surprised Nick. And then Taa gave a present to Nick. Inside the wrap that is two Gold Fish, it made nick speechless. A few minutes later, we had to light a candle of cake and blessed to Nick. I wish Nick happy with her boyfriend name, Keng. We were singing a song of birthday together and enjoy our cake …’s yummy. After that we didn’t know to do anything so we gathered to talk about everything until 20.00 o’clock. And then we went back home.

My Gang

:: Karaoke at The Mall Bangkapi ::

One day of last week, I and my friends, there were 8 person. We went to the Mall Bangkapi for sang a song (Karaoke) at someplace (I forgot) The reason why we chose to sing a song is we didn’t know to do anything between waiting to learn next subject on 15.30 o’clock. We determined to Karaoke for a hour in big room by price is 299 Baht (includes food and drink). I didn’t have skill to sing a song because my voice is not good the same as friend. So that I took a photo of my friends all time and ate some food on this set such as French fired.

Siriporn&Auii was singing.

After that we checked out and returned to ABAC. When we arrived a classroom (class of World Civil), we found a teacher with her surly face look at to us. All the time, I thought she hated all of the law students in her class because someone of my faculty had always converse between teachings, thus she didn’t like us. However, I thought we were wrong because of late for 5 minutes. During I were learning that a teacher lose temper, I didn’t know why, she changed a slide from her power point is very fast. It made us could not write down. So sad!!!! Finally, a class was finished with my unhappy.

Pimjai& me on joke face.

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